Bluestone Nature Programs Wish List
With the woods to explore, we don't need a lot of materials. But, there are some things that make our day safer, easier, and more fun. We always prefer used and hand-me-down items, but some materials are safer if purchased new. Items marked with * should be new or very gently used. If you are interested in supporting Bluestone, please consider purchasing something from our wish list. If you would like to support us in this way, please send us an email!
Child sized picnic tables
Small wooden cutting boards (4-5)
Metal mixing bowls (varied sizes)
Fixed blade vegetable peelers (5-7)
Outdoor Classroom
Bluestone Nature School
at Twin Cedar Senior Living
364 Little Walker Rd
Shohola, PA 18458
Bluestone Nature School plays and learns on the unceded land of our Host Nation peoples, the Munsee Lenape. We offer deep condolences to the past, present, and future Indigenous peoples who experienced harm at the hands of colonizers and for the systemic racism they still experience today. We promise to do our best as allies and support our Host Nation and all Indigenous peoples with our actions. We recognize this statement is just the first step and commit ourselves to continue to grow and work towards reparations and healing.